Medical Supplier Receives Hardware Maintenance and Operating System Support


Park Place solutions prescribed for medical supply company


In 2015, a medical supply company had a goal of having 85% of its applications in the cloud by 2018. 像许多顾客一样, 然而, it continued to rely on mission-critical applications being run on in-house HP-UX devices, which could not be migrated to the Cloud. These systems contained years of research and clinical trial data and were responsible for 50-60% of the company’s revenue, so the applications needed to stay on these systems.

It became evident that the CIO’S plans, as well as his timetable for moving off these systems, 不同步, 或者是侵略性的, as the OEM’s plan to EOL/EOS these HP-UX systems. OEM, caught up in cloud migration, had been investing heavily in Cloud computing technologies and, 结果是, was quickly moving resources and investing less in the support and development of the HP-UX systems.

  • The CIO needed to develop a partnership with a proven expert in maintaining legacy systems,
  • a company that was knowledgeable about HP-UX OS support, and
  • a business that could maintain these legacy systems well after the OEM’s EOS announcement.

This would allow the medical supply company the time necessary to migrate the applications to a different platform. The company turned to Park Place Technologies for help in 2016.

“They wanted the ability to have an annual contract, but make changes on a monthly basis,” PPT’s Account Manager shared.
“They wanted flexibility to decommission gear as they move to the cloud without being locked into long-term agreements.”


With Park Place Technologies, the CIO found a company that could provide the hardware maintenance and operating system support required. This was critically important to the CIO because the company did not want to consider any vendor other than HP.

They were originally not open to the idea of a Third Party Maintenance provider, preferring the support of the OEM. Our Enterprise Account Manager knew that Park Place could meet the mixed SLA requirements of the client’s multiple global manufacturing sites in 50 different countries and could address the technical requirements of these mission critical systems, through Park Place’s on-site field engineers, Advanced Engineering Team, and a dedicated Service Delivery Manager.

Park Place could also provide the CIO with the contract flexibilities he required. 首席信息官知道, with his timetable to migrate to the Cloud, he couldn’t be locked into a long-term contract with penalties for early termination or asset removals. “They wanted the ability to have an annual contract, but make changes on a monthly basis,” PPT’s Account Manager shared. “They wanted flexibility to decommission gear as they move to the cloud without being locked into long-term agreements.


How Park Place is delivering:

  • One partner for global multi-vendor support
  • Exceptional service delivery and expertise on supporting HP Integrity servers, 惠普公司3 par, EMC数据域, NetApp申报人, 和HP9500s
  • Proactively monitoring
  • Dedicated Service Delivery Manager
  • HP–UX SW and operating system support and expertise
  • 有竞争力的价格
  • Flexible contract terms
  • Working through channel partner SHI International