

一家主要的欧洲金融十大赌博正规老平台公司首先使用Entuity来减少运营费用,并在合并后通过审计和合理化不同的网络环境来提高生产率. Entuity’s integrated performance, fault and inventory management, 报告功能和可扩展性继续帮助他们确保以最小的成本对公司进行最佳部署和有效执行.


  • 公司 Size: 8 Million 客户
  • Countries Supported: United Kingdom
  • Network Management Software: Entuity network management

Managing its network effectively is key for any organization, but when a merger or acquisition has recently taken place, as in the case of a major European financial services company, it becomes a much bigger issue. 以前独立的网络需要成功集成,以允许IT基础设施有效地工作并支持业务功能.

在这种情况下,该公司是在两家主要的英国十大赌博正规老平台公司合并后形成的. It now offers a complete range of financial products, ranging from online and high street banking to credit cards and insurance. 该公司有10多个,000 employees who are spread out among eight large offices and 99 bank branches, plus 25 remote locations for its insurance division. The two individual companies were previously run by two separate networks, 但是由于合并, they have been integrated into one.

The new single network now handles applications, including financial management tools, call centers for the banking and insurance divisions, all of the software and security for the company’s online bank, 大型机应用程序. In addition to running an increased number of systems, the infrastructure has to support more offices and employees. 结果是, 决定需要网络管理软件来协助监测交通, tracking devices and identifying any faults quickly.

To choose which software to deploy, 该公司在内部确定了其需求,并利用这些需求对网络管理行业的六位领导者进行了论文评估, as identified by analyst houses Gartner and Forrester. 这产生了两种产品的候选名单,它们被投入了概念验证试验. Entuity的网络管理软件最符合所制定的标准,并被证明是显而易见的选择.

该公司的一位网络项目经理表示:“对(我们)来说,重要的是大部分功能将‘开箱即用’。”. 这就是Entuity的情况, 这意味着我们几乎一安装它就可以开始使用它. 我们还需要它来支持我们运行的思科和令牌环网络,它做到了. 事实上, 因为它是产品中性的, Entuity已经完全成功地集成和监控了我们网络上的所有设备.”

The company has more than 130 premises throughout the UK, resulting in a very complex IT infrastructure. Entuity非常适合分布在许多不同地理位置的部署, through its discovery and reporting tools, 它提供了一个完整的, detailed topology of its network and the relationships between the devices on it. 它的报告功能还可用于支持任何十大赌博正规老平台级别协议审计.

Entuity’s discovery function is automated, 这意味着它将定期查看网络,并确定哪些设备连接以及它们的工作效率. This Auto Discovery takes place as soon as Entuity is installed. 在此之后,它发生的频率可以由网络管理员确定.

Laying Foundations Using Entuity
传统上, 记录网络上的设备需要有人手动检查多个不同站点上的所有连接. As well as being an extremely time-consuming task, 这使得审计容易出现人为错误,并且如果连接被拔掉或安装了新设备,审计可能会立即过时. 企业年金消除了这一点,也为节省大量资金提供了机会. The network project manager commented, “After looking at the inventory report, we noticed that approximately five percent of our ports were idle. Although they were cabled up, they were not actually in use. Knowing this meant that we didn’t have to go out and buy more equipment, 我们会怎么做, had we not had Entuity in place. This resulted in immediate and significant cost savings.”

Minimizing downtime was a key requirement. 它拥有大量的员工和广泛的地理位置, 至关重要的是,it团队拥有一个工具,支持其在用户报告故障之前识别故障的能力. Through its Auto Discovery feature, Entuity使公司能够在故障影响用户之前发现并解决任何问题,从而积极主动地进行故障管理. This reduces the length of time the computer is offline, 这样既能保护收入,又能最终为公司提供更高质量的十大赌博正规老平台.

Entuity还有一个根本原因分析功能,可以与故障管理工具一起使用,以确定问题的根源. By looking at both the topology of the network and the fault itself, Entuity can help to find and resolve the issue. 以前,这将是一项耗时的任务,需要网络管理员自己定位原因并修复它, but Entuity eliminates the need for this by doing it automatically.

十大赌博正规老平台公司还使用Entuity的报告工具进行趋势和容量规划,以便在网络到达该阶段之前知道何时将达到满负荷. This is something that happens at least once or twice a year, 或者如果添加的应用程序需要特别大的带宽. By having this information available before it happens, 他们能够重新分配资源或删除不再使用的设备.

“至关重要的是,我们的网络在任何时候都能以最佳状态运行. Entuity has enabled us to make effective use of capacity, as well as identify faults before they have had any significant impact.”

在未来, 该公司计划将Entuity与其现有的十大赌博正规老平台管理框架整合起来, as part of the ‘Manager of Managers’ initiative it is creating. 它还计划使用Entuity来监控其关键设备上的背板集成.
网络项目经理相信他们很快就会看到投资的回报. 他说, “Entuity的部署绝对对我们有利,使我们能够充分利用我们的网络. [We] rely on the IT infrastructure to remain competitive, therefore any length of downtime can have a major impact.
至关重要的是,我们的网络在任何时候都能以最佳状态运行. Entuity has enabled us to make effective use of capacity, as well as identify faults before they have had any significant impact.”



  • Eighty percent of functionality available “out of the box”
  • Inter-operability with current systems management platforms
  • Scalable and extensible for an expanding business
  • 基于标准,e.g., ip, snmp, mon, cops
  • Intuitive, web-based user interfaces
  • 合适的目的,我.e.,满足已定义的需求
  • Suits deployments characterized by many geographical locations

High Level Functional Requirements

  • Network fault detection with automated root cause analysis
  • Automatic topology discovery and visualization
  • Service Level Reporting (SLR)
  • Automatic availability and performance exception alerts
  • Business impact analysis and prioritizating of network faults and degradations
    Support for all CFS network hardware, including token ring

“Entuity的部署绝对对我们有利,使我们能够充分利用我们的网络. [We] rely on the IT infrastructure to remain competitive, therefore any length of downtime can have a major impact. 对我们来说,重要的是大多数功能都可以“开箱即用”。. 这就是Entuity的情况, 这意味着我们几乎一安装它就可以开始使用它.”

Embracing the digital worldview, Entuity provides digital network analytics for the changing enterprise. 我们的高度自动化, 统一, enterprise-class solution puts deep network insight at your fingertips, frees IT staff to focus on strategic projects, and easily integrates with major framework environments. Entuity的支持和十大赌博正规老平台团队经常因其快速反应而受到称赞, networking expertise and involvement in special engagements.