
End of Service Life
October 31, 2024
*Inclusion in the EOSL library does not guarantee Park Place can support that specific device.
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The Palo Alto Networks PA-3050 end of life date matures in October of 2024. When your operating system version becomes outdated, you need to ensure your IT systems will reliably operate. You can opt for post-warranty hardware maintenance from a trusted third party Palo Alto Networks hardware maintenance provider like Park Place Technologies. Our storage infrastructure maintenance agreements are generally 30-40% less than your old OEM contracts.

Contact us for a maintenance quote when your Palo Alto Networks PA-3050 EOL and EOSL dates approach or have passed!

Upcoming Palo Alto Networks EOSL Dates

Model EOSL Date
PA-3020 10 / 31 / 2024
PA-3050 10 / 31 / 2024
PA-3060 10 / 31 / 2024
M-500 02 / 28 / 2025
PA-5280-K2 02 / 28 / 2026
PA-7050-K2 02 / 28 / 2026
PA-7080-K2 02 / 28 / 2026
PA-7000-LPC 02 / 28 / 2026
PA-7050-SMC 02 / 28 / 2026
PA-7080-SMC 02 / 28 / 2026