Park Place Technologies ESG Narrative - Page Header

UN Sustainable Development Goals (联合国西班牙)

Park Place Technologies is committed to the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 世界的呼唤, delivered through a set of 17 objectives endorsed by world leaders in 2015, that aims to protect the planet and create a sustainable future for all by 2030.

These goals address critical global challenges, 包括贫困, 不平等, 气候变化, environmental degradation, 和平与正义. Park Place’s commitment involves selecting the goals where we feel there is both a core values and business alignment, and where we believe we can make the most impact.

The SDG goals we have chosen to pursue are:

  • 目标8 -体面工作 & 经济增长
  • 目标10 – Reduced Inequalities
  • 目标12 – Responsible Inequalities
  • 目标13 -气候行动

Against each of the four SDG goals we have chosen to pursue, we have set ourselves three measurable and time-bound targets to attain:


目标8: Decent Work & 经济增长


  1. By 2025, we will ensure pay throughout our business meets living wage criteria
  2. By 2030, we will have zero Lost Time Injuries within our business
  3. By 2030, 90% of our spend will be with suppliers that pay the living wage

点击这里 to see the 目标8 infographic.


目标10: Reduced Inequalities


  1. By 2025, we will partner with organizations to offer 10 work experience, 学徒, or intern positions to young women in IT
  2. By 2030, 15% of our annual spend will be with diverse suppliers
  3. By 2030, we will partner clients to bridge the digital divide by providing 100 children with free refurbished laptops/computers

点击这里 to see the 目标10 infographic.

目标12 SDG Report

目标12: Responsible Consumption and Production


  1. By 2030, we will help increase the average lifespan of our 客户’ equipment by 50%
  2. By 2030, 50% of our revenue will come from circular business models
  3. By 2030, we will reduce the waste generated in our own operations by 50%

点击这里 to see the 目标12 infographic.

目标13 SDG Report Scaled

目标13: Climate Action


  1. We will be net zero by 2040, in line with the latest climate science
  2. By 2030, 90% of our spend will be with suppliers who have net zero targets
  3. By 2030, we will support 120 disadvantaged or young people to connect with nature, as part of a nature restoration project

点击这里 to see the 目标13 infographic.

Keep an eye on this page, as we report on the progress of the sustainable targets we set against these goals.